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Working in Ontario: Engineer
This page outlines what is required to practice as an engineer in Ontario.
Visit websiteThe Mentoring Partnership
A program of the Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC), the Mentoring Partnership brings together recent skilled immigrants and established professionals in occupation-specific mentoring relationships.
Visit websiteOntario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE)
OSPE is a member-interest, advocacy organization that supports, represents and advances the professional and economic interests of Ontario engineers.
Visit websiteOntario Network For Internationally Trained Professionals Online (ONIP Online)
A resource for sector-specific employment information (including engineering), services and support.
Visit websiteOntario Bridge Training – Engineering
A list of engineering bridging programs in Ontario
Visit websiteWorkplace Communication Skills for Technology
FREE work-oriented language training for newcomers who have training or experience in architectural, engineering or information technology.
Visit websiteMobile Systems Integration Bridging Program
A 15-week bridging program for internationally trained immigrants with education and experience in information technology, computer science or engineering (computer, electronics or electrical).
Visit websiteGreen Economy Employment Program
Provides orientation, training and employment opportunities in the growing green sector to internationally trained individuals with backgrounds in project management, quality assurance, research and development, or civil engineering. Delivered in partnership with The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University.
Visit websiteEngineering Software Skills Enhancement
A 15-week bridging program for internationally educated civil, mechanical and electrical engineers and architecture professionals with training in the latest technical and software skills in demand by Ontario employers. Classes take place evenings and weekends.
Visit websiteEducational Programs Innovation Centre (EPIC)
A leading training solution provider of engineering and technology courses in Canada. Over 70,000 people have taken their courses.
Visit websiteCross-Cultural Professionals Association of Canada
CPAC offers a mentoring program and professional networking with chemical, civil, electrical/electronic and mechanical engineers.
Visit websiteCanadian Workplace Communication for IEPS and IPLAN (Immigrant Professionals Leveraging Architectural Knowledge for New Opportunities)
A 14-week program delivered by JVS Toronto in partnership with Ryerson University, Ontario Tourism Education Council and Career Edge Organization. It provides participants with an opportunity to build upon their international education and work experience by gaining the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully integrate into the Canadian workplace.
Visit websiteCanadian Universities with Accredited Engineering Programs
A list of educational institutions in Canada offering accredited undergraduate engineering programs.
Visit websiteBuilding Environmental Systems
Seneca's bridging program is designed to help those with international training in engineering and life sciences succeed in Canada’s environmental sector.
Visit website